Campaign for RAIN
There’s a lot to do to level the playing field in Niger. Fortunately, a dollar here goes a long way there and with online tools, helping to raise funds is easier than ever!
Our US office works hard to ensure our field staff have the funds they need to do their work but we can do so much more together than we can do alone and we’d love for you to join us to bring education and opportunity to our partner communities.
Start a Facebook Fundraiser
Facebook fundraisers are easy to start and easy to share! Your birthday is a great time to host one but you can do it all year round.
- Start a fundraiser at
- Select Rain for the Sahel and Sahara Inc.
- Create a fundraising goal
- Set an end date
- Write about why you care about making a difference in Niger
- Pick a photo and publish it (we’re happy to provide one or you can pull one from our Facebook or Instagram pages)
- Share it with all your contacts to make the most impact.
Keep it Simple with an Email or Letter Writing Campaign
- Make a list of friends, family, neighbors, colleagues etc. who might want to help
- Write about why you care about making a difference in Niger
- Send the letter to everyone on your list and ask them to give! (make sure to include the link to our website or our mailing address for those who prefer to send a check)
- To increase your impact, set a specific goal (it could be a monetary goal or a number of participants), share the goal and ask for people to help you reach it. Report back to them on your progress!
Have questions about how to get started or need help making the most of your campaign? Contact
Host a House Party or Jewelry Sale
Hosting a house party or jewelry sale is a great way to introduce your friends and colleagues to RAIN’s work. These events expand our reach, educate the public about Niger, and serve as an opportunity to enjoy a lovely time for a good cause.
It’s easy to do and we’re happy to walk you through the process! Contact to learn more or to get connected with a past host.
Invite Us to Speak
Are you involved in a group that would love to learn more about our work in West Africa? Invite us to your next event for fascinating talk, powerpoint presentation or a casual Q&A.
It doesn’t need to be an official organization – we’ve spoken to book clubs, groups of friends at a holiday party, high school classes, Rotary Clubs and more! Interested in learning more? Contact
Attend an Event
Our work is in Niger but our community is worldwide! Join us in-person to stay connected and build RAIN’s community, wherever you are.
Don’t see an event near you? Join our mailing list to receive updates or email us at to host an event in your neighborhood.
Volunteer or Intern with RAIN
Know something about designing materials, want to put your passion for photography to good use, or just love the meditative nature of routine office tasks?
We always need extra hands on deck in our office in Portsmouth, NH and, depending on your skillset, there are opportunities to help out remotely as well.
At this time, we are not accepting any international volunteers or interns in Niger.
To express interest and find out more, please email
Stay Connected
Make sure you have all the latest news on RAIN and our programs across Niger.
Subscribe to our newsletter to stay up to date on RAIN’s programs, learn more about our community partners, and find ways to be involved in this inspiring, global community.
Follow us on Facebook and Instagram and invite your friends to do the same!
Support RAIN’s programs and traditional Nigerian arts by purchasing beautiful handmade silver-work, weaving, and other personal and household crafts. Nigers Tuareg and Wodaabe communities are known for their silver, leather, and woven products.
Give a unique gift to a loved one (or yourself!) and feel good knowing that your purchase helps ensure that parents can feed their children nutritious meals, that mothers have the opportunity to earn an income to support their families, and that curious girls and boys have access to an education that could transform their futures.
Buy securely online through RAIN’s Shopify page.
Buy in person at a RAIN event near you.
Or spread the love and host a sale!