A Conversation about Climate Change and Community Resilience

October 21, 2020
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm

This event has passed.

The effects of climate change are more severe in the Sahel than many other parts of the world. Droughts have become more frequent, with devastating impact. Now, Niger is also seeing unprecedented flooding. Falling agricultural yields result in a drop in food and income, just as the population is growing rapidly.
Hit hardest are those with the least resources and power, including women and children.
At the same time, many are taking action and creating solutions to respond to these challenges.
This conversation will be an opportunity to:
  • hear Nigerien and American experts discuss the impacts of climate change in the Sahel,
  • learn what is being done to make a difference, &
  • explore the role of supporters like you and small organizations like RAIN in supporting community-led efforts to improve livelihoods and build resilience.
Finally, we will ask why Americans should be concerned about climate change in the Sahel.
Panelist: Abdoul Salam Bello
Senior Project Officer at United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification
Panelist: Eric Postel
Former Assistant Administrator for Economic Growth, Education, & Environment at USAID
Panelist: Katherine Kolios
Executive Director of Rain for the Sahel and Sahara
Moderator: Susan Fine
Former USAID Director for Senegal and the Sahel