Rene Delane
As founder and CEO of Women Who Dare, Rene Delane‘s passion is to inspire women and girls to be leaders and join with other “glass-half-full advocates” across the globe. Rene’s expertise is interviewing and meeting leaders such as Dr. Deb Delisle, Gloria Steinem, Gold Award Girl Scout Leah Schulteis, NASA female engineers and many others who faced seemingly insurmountable challenges.
RAIN’s Niger Representative Gaston Kaba (above center, with RAIN Board Chair John Ahlgren and founder Bess Palmsiciano) was recently interviewed by Rene at the International Rotary Convention in New Orleans. Gaston was born in West Africa and educated in London and the US. He is heavily involved with the Peace Corps, works with Rotary International to end polio worldwide, speaks three languages, and volunteers for NGO’s worldwide. Why? Because, in his words, “It’s a pleasure to help people and see it making a difference.”
We’re proud to have Gaston on our team in Niger helping us empower rural and underserved women and girls. Enjoy the video!