“I would like to be Prime Minister or work for an NGO. I want to help the people in my village and my family and fight against terrible diseases.”
- Faji Hamid
In Niger, girls rarely progress to the 4th grade and 1 in 3 is married before the age of 15.
Investing in a girl’s future is investing in the world’s future. Girls that stay in school delay marriage, have fewer children and earn higher incomes.
Education is the only way for Niger’s children to break free of the cycle of poverty. School is a monumental commitment for desert nomadic kids and their families. Going to class means they aren’t able to help their parents forge a living in the dusty pastureland south of the Sahara. Despite the sacrifices, this fall will find these girls back school with smiles on their faces. Somehow, they know it’s worth it. They know that each additional year in school brings them closer to a better life: More options. Skills to share back home. Better health. Greater independence. The possibility to be one of the lucky few in Niger to go on to middle school, high school, or even college.
It doesn’t take much to make these dreams of education a reality:
- $10 Provides a mentor with a monthly stipend
- $20 Buys materials for practical skills training.
- $40 Provides a girl with a year of skills training.
- $80 Provides a starter goat for a mentor to generate income
A good education, like rain, is scarce here — especially for girls. But now it’s possible. Because of friends like you, a new future is in reach for these desert children of hardship and hope.
On October 10th, the world recognizes the importance of education and opportunity for girls in celebration of International Day of the Girl. On October 15th, the world salutes the role of rural women for International Day of Rural Women. On the 15th, you can help keep girls in school and honor the women mentors who got them there with a donation to our mentoring project on GlobalGiving.org boosted by a 30% match.
Visit our mentoring program on GlobalGiving
Be sure to donate on October 15th, then spread the word!