Dear Friend of RAIN,
You may have read that insecurity has worsened in the Tillaberi part of Niger – with significant attacks in January and early March. Most recently, there was a coordinated series of raids earlier this week in which armed men killed 137 Nigerien citizens. Responsibility for the most recent attack has not yet been claimed. Today, the Nigerien flag flies at half-mast as the country observes a collective period of mourning.
We are deeply saddened by these losses and concerned for the safety of the Nigerien people as well as their neighbors in Mali, Burkina Faso, and beyond. We wanted to reassure you, however, that for the moment, Agadez, the area where RAIN continues its programs, remains stable. We are monitoring the situation closely and will let you know of any changes that impact RAIN staff or constituents.
We continue to believe that opening the door to education and economic opportunity is in the best interest of the rural and nomadic people RAIN serves and contributes to greater stability and peace.
If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to me directly at 603-371-0676 or
With gratitude for your continued support,
Katherine Kolios
Executive Director of Rain for the Sahel and Sahara