
Update from our Mentors: Educators as Mothers

Your donations are doing more than changing lives; they are changing opinions about the importance of a girl’s education. One of the biggest challenges our mentors face is convincing parents — most of whom have never been to school — of the importance of education, and that attending school is beneficial for both the child and the family.

I meet with parents to explain my work to them and convince them to allow me to work with their children. …

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The International Foundation Supports School Market Garden Expansion

Rain for the Sahel and Sahara is pleased to announce a new partnership with The International Foundation to expand and repair School Market Gardens in two partner communities. This brings us closer to our 2015 goal of expanding four gardens, reflecting the overall Food & Water Security Program goal for all community and school gardens to be self-sustaining within 3-5 years. …

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RAIN Volunteer Runs for Niger

Volunteer Susana Castillo Rodriguez is running The Maine Coast Marathon May 10th for RAIN! Visit her page on Crowdrise if you’d like to sponsor her. Go, Susana!

“I believe that small actions can have a big impact on other people’s lives. I am training to run the Maine Coast Marathon with an incredible gang of girlfriend runners. …

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The Agadez Learning Center Receives Generous Support from Partners

RAIN would like to recognize recent support for the Agadez Learning Center for nomadic students in Niger.

Friends of Niger engaged their supporters to raise $2,000 in addition to the III/IV Cohorts of former Niger Peace Corps volunteers, bringing another $1,000 towards scholarships for our nomadic students. The Portsmouth NH Chapter of Rotary International contributed a grant of $5,000 to expand the dormitories and kitchen to bring privacy, …

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RAIN Seeks Director of Individual Giving

director, individual giving
portsmouth nh

The ideal candidate will exercise good judgment in a variety of situations, work well with many types people (staff, volunteers, donors), have strong written and verbal communications, and be an experienced project manager.  They should be able to work independently on projects, from conception to completion; work under pressure while handling a wide variety of activities and confidential matters with discretion; …

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