Success Stories

Hadi Enters Middle School in the Big City

Hadi, an 8th grade student at the Agadez Learning Center (ALC), comes from a small village where her younger siblings are enrolled in elementary school. Her older sister dropped out after elementary school, leaving Hadi to attend middle school alone. She explains that coming to the ALC was, “the first time I saw all these beautiful and wonderful things like the city lit by electricity as if it was daylight… ...

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Fatima Attends the Agadez Learning Center

Fatima, a Tuareg girl from a small village east of Agadez, compares life at home with her experience at the Agadez Learning Center. She writes:

“My family lives simply: the women do the housework and drive our herds to the pasture. There is no mill, no electricity, no boreholes to easily find water.

In my new middle school, ...

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Hadiza Persists

Anywhere in the world a new school year can bring up a mix of excitement and nerves. In Niger it’s no different. Many of our rural and nomadic students are the first in their family, or even community to have the opportunity to pursue their education. They are eager to learn, but there is still a tension as they consider the long commutes on foot, ...

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Issoufou Succeeds Against the Odds

Issoufou’s family lives far from school. His village, Tchilizdag, has a struggling elementary school with rapid staff turnover and poor oversight. Many parents are frustrated — they are interested in sending their children to school, but there are few success stories. Even in this environment, Issoufou has succeeded academically. This is truly a testament to Issoufou’s desire to learn because he has also needed to overcome his physical handicaps – he has a hunchback and disabled left foot. ...

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Maoude Increases Representation at Agadez University

Young Nigeriens from rural areas rarely have the opportunity to attend middle school. Almost no one has a local middle schools in their village! Sending your child away to school is expensive and complicated. Parents worry about who will look after their children and how they will be able to eat. Since 2013, the Agadez Learning Center has given rural and nomadic students, ...

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